Call for Position Papers

Submission deadline: July 1st, 2024 AoE

Notification: July 5th, 2024 AoE

Submission url:

Position papers will be presented during a dedicated session at the conference. 


Position papers at SafeComp are intended to provide an opportunity for authors to briefly present new ideas or work in progress in the areas related to engineering and assurance of safety, reliability and security of computer systems. Authors of accepted Position Papers will present their work at the dedicated Position Papers session and receive feedback from the community.

Contributions are particularly solicited from industrial practitioners that seek an opportunity to engage with the SafeComp community.

Submission Guidelines

Position Papers should be at most 2 pages in length, must be formatted using standard A4 two-column IEEE Conference Proceedings format (available on the IEEE website for Word and LaTeX templates) and must be in PDF format. Since there is no revision process, all accepted papers will be printed unedited.

The submitted Position Papers must be in PDF format.

Position Papers should be submitted through Easychair by selecting Position Papers track.

Submission deadline: July 1st, 2024 AoE

Selection and Notification

Position Papers will not be formally refereed but rather lightly screened by the Special Session Chair to evaluate

  • Relevance and interest to the community
  • Capacity to stimulate an interesting discussion

Notification date is on July 5th, 2024 AoE

Accepted position papers will be made accessible on the SafeComp website.

The authors of accepted Position Papers should register to the conference and present in person.

The authors of the accepted Position Papers should register by the Early registration deadline on July 14th, 2024.

Last update



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